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Illinois is home to a diverse array of top private equity firms in 2024, focusing on various industries from business services to healthcare. Notable firms like Right Lane Capital and Silver Oak Services Partners, both based in Chicago, specialize in sectors such as manufacturing and financial services. These firms target different revenue and EBITDA ranges, providing flexible investment sizes to support growth. With a strong geographic presence, these firms leverage their expertise to drive strategic investments, making Illinois a hub for private equity innovation.

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<div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">1. Right Lane Capital LLC</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Industrial Services / Distribution</div> <div class="card-tag">Manufacturing</div> <div class="card-tag">Automotive</div> <div class="card-tag">Arts & Entertainment</div> <div class="card-tag">Agriculture</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number"><$50M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">2. Silver Oak Services Partners, LLC</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Evanston, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Consumer Products & Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Healthcare</div> <div class="card-tag">Financial Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Automotive</div> <div class="card-tag">Arts & Entertainment</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">$10M - $50M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">$15M+</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">$10M - $50M</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">3. Hadley Capital</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Wilmette, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Software & Technology</div> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Industrial Services / Distribution</div> <div class="card-tag">Manufacturing</div> <div class="card-tag">Healthcare</div> <div class="card-tag">Financial Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Media</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">$5M - $50M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">$5M - $30M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">$40M+</div> </div> </div> <p class="line-clamp-5">We work with founders/owners, families and management teams in need of ownership transition, management succession, and / or growth support. We primarily focus on companies with revenue between $5 million and $50 million, and a cash flow between $1 million and $5 million. We consider a wide range of industries and look for companies with potential to build on past successes and open to new ideas.</p> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">4. CIVC Partners</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Software & Technology</div> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">$5M - $25M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">$20M - $100M</div> </div> </div> <p class="line-clamp-5">CIVC Partners is a Chicago-based private equity firm investing in high growth middle market companies in business services sectors. Since 1989, the team has invested over $1.9 billion in 71 platform companies and currently invests from CIVC Partners Fund VI. More information on CIVC Partners and its portfolio companies can be found at</p> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">5. Geneva Glen Capital</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Software & Technology</div> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Consumer Products & Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Manufacturing</div> <div class="card-tag">Healthcare</div> <div class="card-tag">Financial Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Media</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">$2M - $20M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">$10M - $50M</div> </div> </div> <p class="line-clamp-5">Founded in 2010, Geneva Glen Capital is a Chicago-based private equity firm that invests in proven private companies with leading market positions, significant growth potential, and stable cash flows. GGC makes control investments and targets companies headquartered in the U.S. or Canada with EBITDA between $2 million and $20 million. The firm works closely with management teams to establish and execute on a clearly defined value creation and growth plan. The principals of GGC have extensive private equity experience and capital backing from family offices and other institutional investors that provide the ability to be flexible, creative and, if appropriate, long-term investors.</p> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">6. Author Capital Partners, LLC</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>CHICAGO, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">$2M - $20M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">$1M+</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">$5M - $30M</div> </div> </div> <p class="line-clamp-5">Author Capital is a private equity firm that empowers highly entrepreneurial family- and founder-led businesses with flexible capital, strategic advice, and long-term partnership.</p> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">7. SE Capital</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Arts & Entertainment</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">$3M - $20M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">$10M - $200M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">$10M - $200M</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">8. Promus Equity Partners</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Consumer Products & Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Industrial Services / Distribution</div> <div class="card-tag">Healthcare</div> <div class="card-tag">Financial Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Hospitality</div> <div class="card-tag">Arts & Entertainment</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">$3M - $15M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">$10M - $15M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">$5M - $40M</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">9. Heico Companies</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Software & Technology</div> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Industrial Services / Distribution</div> <div class="card-tag">Manufacturing</div> <div class="card-tag">Healthcare</div> <div class="card-tag">Financial Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Automotive</div> <div class="card-tag">Retail</div> <div class="card-tag">Hospitality</div> <div class="card-tag">Arts & Entertainment</div> <div class="card-tag">Agriculture</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">$5M - $15M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">$2500M - $2500M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">10. Traverse Pointe Partners</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Consumer Products & Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Industrial Services / Distribution</div> <div class="card-tag">Manufacturing</div> <div class="card-tag">Healthcare</div> <div class="card-tag">Arts & Entertainment</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number"><$10M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">$10M+</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">11. D'Orazio Capital Partners</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Consumer Products & Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Industrial Services / Distribution</div> <div class="card-tag">Manufacturing</div> <div class="card-tag">Financial Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Automotive</div> <div class="card-tag">Arts & Entertainment</div> <div class="card-tag">Agriculture</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">$0.5M - $10M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> </div> <p class="line-clamp-5">At D’Orazio Capital Partners, our goal is to make good companies better. We begin with a rigorous investment selection process, exercising discipline in seeking companies with solid business models and compelling growth prospects that compete in attractive markets we understand. Once a target investment has been identified, we conduct robust due diligence with the dual objective of ensuring that risk/reward attributes have been fully vetted and that a well-grounded and executable investment thesis and business plan have been developed. We then capitalize each investment in a manner custom-designed to facilitate the execution of the investment thesis and business plan.</p> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">12. NextGen Growth Partners</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Software & Technology</div> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Consumer Products & Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Industrial Services / Distribution</div> <div class="card-tag">Manufacturing</div> <div class="card-tag">Healthcare</div> <div class="card-tag">Automotive</div> <div class="card-tag">Hospitality</div> <div class="card-tag">Media</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">$1.5M - $7M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">$5M - $50M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">$100M+</div> </div> </div> <p class="line-clamp-5">NextGen Growth Partners (“NGP”) is a Chicago-based private investment firm. We recently closed our $100M+ Fund II and are actively seeking great family/founder-owned businesses to partner with for their next phase of growth. We are unique in that we provide flexible succession planning for founders/owners looking to exit the business post-close (whether that be immediately or several years after). We do this by bringing in one of our talented Entrepreneurs in Residence to transition into the business after a transaction.</p> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">13. Mackinaw Management</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Healthcare</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">$0.8M - $4M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> </div> <p class="line-clamp-5">Healthcare and business services private equity firm evaluating opportunities throughout the US. See our website at</p> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">14. Pfingsten Partners</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Industrial Services / Distribution</div> <div class="card-tag">Manufacturing</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">15. Akoya Capital Partners</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Software & Technology</div> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Consumer Products & Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Industrial Services / Distribution</div> <div class="card-tag">Manufacturing</div> <div class="card-tag">Healthcare</div> <div class="card-tag">Automotive</div> <div class="card-tag">Hospitality</div> <div class="card-tag">Arts & Entertainment</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">$4M+</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">$25M - $200M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> </div> <p class="line-clamp-5">Akoya Capital, LLC is a sector-focused private equity firm that invests in middle market businesses with attractive growth prospects. We bring together industry leaders, investment worthy executives, and private sources of capital to execute acquisition-based strategies to create significant value for sellers, management and investors. We are a highly experienced team with complementary capabilities and a track record of success in executing transactions and accelerating value creation. We differentiate ourselves by our single-minded focus on sector and executive-led investing. Our deep domain expertise and our sector-led approach delivers exceptional value creation strategies and leadership teams. We focus almost exclusively on the following industry sectors where we have deep domain expertise and operating experience. Each of our sector leaders is an accomplished senior industry executive with extensive operating experience and a track record of building businesses and creating value within the industry. Sector Focus: Industrial Consumer Professional Information Services Investment Criteria:</p> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">16. Industrial Opportunity Partners</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Evanston, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Consumer Products & Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Industrial Services / Distribution</div> <div class="card-tag">Manufacturing</div> <div class="card-tag">Automotive</div> <div class="card-tag">Agriculture</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">$100M+</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">$100M - $1000M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">$15M+</div> </div> </div> <p class="line-clamp-5">Industrial Opportunity Partners, LLC ("IOP"), based in Evanston, IL, is a private equity investment firm. With $910 million of committed capital since its inception, IOP is focused on acquiring and managing middle-market manufacturing and value-added distribution businesses. Utilizing its operations-focused approach and dedicated Board of Operating Principals, IOP has a track record of stabilizing, growing and enhancing the value of its acquired businesses having invested in over 20 platform companies.</p> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">17. Benford Capital Partners</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Consumer Products & Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Manufacturing</div> <div class="card-tag">Healthcare</div> <div class="card-tag">Retail</div> <div class="card-tag">Hospitality</div> <div class="card-tag">Agriculture</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">$215M+</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">$515M+</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number"><$5150M</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">18. Rock Gate Partners, LLC</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Automotive</div> <div class="card-tag">Arts & Entertainment</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">19. Chicago Capital Partners</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Highland Park, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Consumer Products & Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Industrial Services / Distribution</div> <div class="card-tag">Manufacturing</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">$210M+</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number"><$210M</div> </div> </div> <p class="line-clamp-5">Chicago Capital Partners is a private equity firm which primarily makes control investments in lower middle-market companies with $2-10 million of EBITDA in the following industries: business services, consumer products, distribution, food and beverage, and niche manufacturing. Our fund structure and investment mindset promote building business partnerships and creating value over the long-term. Operational Perspective: Managed by founders and operators, our team understands small and family business dynamics; Partnership Focused: We partner with strong management teams, provide advisory support, and problem-solve collaboratively; Long-Term View: Our investors include entrepreneurs and small business owners who understand the long-term approach to creating value. INVESTMENT CRITERIA Business Basics Attractive Business Fundamentals Transaction Attributes Industry Focus</p> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">20. Tyree and D'Angelo Partners</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">$5M+</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">$50M+</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">21. New Harbor Capital</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Software & Technology</div> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Industrial Services / Distribution</div> <div class="card-tag">Manufacturing</div> <div class="card-tag">Healthcare</div> <div class="card-tag">Financial Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Hospitality</div> <div class="card-tag">Media</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> </div> <p class="line-clamp-5">At New Harbor Capital, we forge lasting partnerships that transform businesses and unlock untapped potential. Specializing in lower middle-market private equity, our team works in close collaboration with founders of growth-oriented companies who see their potential but are hesitant to go it alone — providing the camaraderie, expertise and resources to tackle any challenge together. New Harbor Capital was founded on the premise that exceptional ideas are fostered through a culture of mutual respect, coupled with a methodical, research-driven approach. We seek to create a culture of partnership that we believe sets us apart from other private equity firms. We believe a growth-oriented mindset is a successful mindset — but only if that growth is deliberate and sustainable. We seek to pair the tenacity of an entrepreneurial focus with the sophistication of large-firm experience to make big moves that make sense for your business. Innovation and collaboration excite us, inspire us and drive us to build mutually successful partnerships.</p> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">22. TJM Capital Partners</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Consumer Products & Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Industrial Services / Distribution</div> <div class="card-tag">Manufacturing</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">$2M+</div> </div> </div> <p class="line-clamp-5">TJM Capital Partners is a boutique, operationally-focused private equity firm based in Chicago. The firm was founded in 2008 and is led by Tom McDonough (Founder and Managing Partner), Scott Witt (Partner), Bill Van Sant (Operating Partner) and Dan Cleary (Operating Partner). TJM seeks high growth potential middle market manufacturing and services businesses with $10-40 million revenue and $0-7 million EBITDA, and typically invests $2 to $20+ million of equity per transaction. Our firm primarily invests in, and serves as counselors to, companies in the following sectors: Our investing team, operating partners and many of our investors have extensive backgrounds in Private Equity, Investment Banking and C-suite level operational leadership in each of our focus sectors.</p> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">23. Granite Creek Capital Partners</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Software & Technology</div> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Consumer Products & Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Industrial Services / Distribution</div> <div class="card-tag">Manufacturing</div> <div class="card-tag">Healthcare</div> <div class="card-tag">Financial Services</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">$315M+</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">$25M - $100M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">$10M - $30M</div> </div> </div> <p class="line-clamp-5">Chicago-based Granite Creek Capital Partners, L.L.C. is an active manager of lower middle market debt and equity investments in Business Services, Niche Manufacturing, Food & Agribusiness, Healthcare and value-added Distribution. Granite Creek invests in high-performing businesses to support rock star entrepreneurs, the next phase of growth or a transitional event that is driving the need for additional liquidity. Granite Creek brings decades of experience in private equity, lending, strategy and operations across 80+ deals over the course of 30+ years. The Granite Creek investment team, led by Mark Radzik, Brian Boorstein, Peter Lehman and Jim Clark, brings operational and business development resources to its portfolio companies that are often inaccessible to the typical smaller business.</p> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">24. Tilia Holdings</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Business Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Consumer Products & Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Industrial Services / Distribution</div> <div class="card-tag">Healthcare</div> <div class="card-tag">Financial Services</div> <div class="card-tag">Retail</div> <div class="card-tag">Arts & Entertainment</div> <div class="card-tag">Agriculture</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">$515M+</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">$10M+</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">$10M+</div> </div> </div> <p class="line-clamp-5">Tilia is a Chicago-based private equity firm exclusively focused on investing across the food supply chain. We make control investments to partner with growing companies who provide business services and solutions to larger customers and suppliers. Tilia brings meaningful financial, operational, human and industry resources to capitalize on market trends and further accelerate our portfolio companies' growth strategies. We draw on domain expertise from backgrounds in public and private health, food safety, nutrition, and life sciences.</p> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">25. Performant Capital</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Chicago, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="card-tag">Software & Technology</div> <div class="card-tag">Automotive</div> <div class="card-tag">Arts & Entertainment</div> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">$3M - $30M</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">$3M+</div> </div> </div> <p class="line-clamp-5">Performant Capital is a Chicago-based private equity firm focused on majority control buyout investments in technology-driven companies. We acquire businesses across software, SaaS, technology-enabled services, and data intelligence products and services. Our investments focus on businesses where our depth of investing and operating expertise can accelerate growth and drive outsized performance. Performant Capital typically invests in founder-owned businesses and prefers to be the first institutional capital. Software platforms typically have $3MM+ in ARR and tech-enabled services business platforms are typically $10-30MM in revenue. Performant focuses on software platforms that are profitable or have a near-term path to profitability. Tech-enabled service platforms are generally in the range of $1-10MM in EBITDA. Performant will evaluate smaller opportunities as add-ons to our existing portfolio companies.</p> </div> <div class="card-item"> <h3 class="card-title">26. River Capital Partners</h3> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-20"> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10580)"> <path d="M12.25 6.3335C12.25 10.4168 7 13.9168 7 13.9168C7 13.9168 1.75 10.4168 1.75 6.3335C1.75 4.94111 2.30312 3.60575 3.28769 2.62119C4.27226 1.63662 5.60761 1.0835 7 1.0835C8.39239 1.0835 9.72774 1.63662 10.7123 2.62119C11.6969 3.60575 12.25 4.94111 12.25 6.3335Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> <path d="M7 8.0835C7.9665 8.0835 8.75 7.29999 8.75 6.3335C8.75 5.367 7.9665 4.5835 7 4.5835C6.0335 4.5835 5.25 5.367 5.25 6.3335C5.25 7.29999 6.0335 8.0835 7 8.0835Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10580"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div>Northbrook, IL</div> </div> <div class="flex-horizontal gap-10"> <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M9.33317 12.75V3.41667C9.33317 3.10725 9.21025 2.8105 8.99146 2.59171C8.77267 2.37292 8.47592 2.25 8.1665 2.25H5.83317C5.52375 2.25 5.22701 2.37292 5.00821 2.59171C4.78942 2.8105 4.6665 3.10725 4.6665 3.41667V12.75M2.33317 4.58333H11.6665C12.3108 4.58333 12.8332 5.10567 12.8332 5.75V11.5833C12.8332 12.2277 12.3108 12.75 11.6665 12.75H2.33317C1.68884 12.75 1.1665 12.2277 1.1665 11.5833V5.75C1.1665 5.10567 1.68884 4.58333 2.33317 4.58333Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </svg> </div> <div>Private Equity</div> </div> <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" href="" class="card-link w-inline-block" target="_blank" > <div class="icon-14px w-embed"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="" > <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3208_10586)"> <path d="M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 10.7215 10.2215 13.3332 6.99984 13.3332M12.8332 7.49984C12.8332 4.27818 10.2215 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665M12.8332 7.49984H1.1665M6.99984 13.3332C3.77818 13.3332 1.1665 10.7215 1.1665 7.49984M6.99984 13.3332C8.45892 11.7358 9.28811 9.66282 9.33317 7.49984C9.28811 5.33686 8.45892 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M6.99984 13.3332C5.54076 11.7358 4.71156 9.66282 4.6665 7.49984C4.71156 5.33686 5.54076 3.26388 6.99984 1.6665M1.1665 7.49984C1.1665 4.27818 3.77818 1.6665 6.99984 1.6665" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ></path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_3208_10586"> <rect width="14" height="14" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.5)" ></rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> </div> <div></div> </a> </div> <div class="card-target-flex"> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target EBITDA</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target revenue</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> <div class="card-target"> <div>Target Investment Size</div> <div class="card-target-number">—</div> </div> </div> </div>

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