Buy-Side Members Update on PEmarketplace - May 2024

We wanted to give everyone a quick update on PEmarketplace. We officially launched in February & already have a few deals under LOI!

Please see below for a couple of updates/FAQs.

We'd love to hear from you and what sort of deals you're looking for. I run deal-sourcing at a family office as my day-job; there are often ideas/deals off our platform that we could discuss.  

Help Us Personalize Your Deal Flow

•  We're developing large language models to further personalize your recommended deals.

•  More to come, but please populate your "Investment Mandate" so our software can do its job!

Fill Out Your Investment Mandate

•  The best way to position yourself to a sell-side user is to explain what you are looking for and your background in the proper amount of detail.

•  Even if you've done only one deal in your career, citing some accomplishments will make a strong impression with any business owner or banker.

How Does PEmarketplace Compare to Axial?

•  Well, we don't charge success fees for deals with bankers, and never will. At Ambina, we pay success fees when a deal is "off-market" and we just don't think that success fees for banker-led deals are fair.

Why Don't You Have a Monthly Subscription Model?

•  We need to invest a significant portion of time with each one of our members to personalize their deal flow and this takes more than a month.

Example Investment Mandate

Best, Andrew